Purple Passion for the Mancha de Mora Boutique in Asturias

What can one say about the colour purple? Often associated with royalty and luxury, odes to it include the song Purple Rain by Prince and the film Colour Purple by Spielberg. The Mancha de Mora boutique in Asturias, designed by Miguel Reguero Studio and Juan Noval Studio, is a testament to its versatility. The name of the store translates to blackberry stain. The concept was born when owner Vanesa Sánchez Martínez (@mancha_de_mora) wanted to move her store to a new location in the center of Pola de Siero in Asturias. The designers wanted to make a literal adaptation of its name in the design. For this reason, they stained each element with blackberry.
Purple is the corporate color. The team wanted to maximize it without falling into banality and repetition. Thanks to a studied game of gradients, transparencies, and contrasts, the result is a boutique where you can relax and admire the clothes, which are its essence.
The designers deftly combined cool and warm tones. The soft lilac walls provide the perfect backdrop for rich violet and grape furniture. They added depth with varied textural elements, such as the painted wood cupboard, silk drapery, patterned rugs, and velvet-clad poufs. The accent of brown, notably the classic pedestal table in the entrance, the cabinetry, and the large format brown porcelain tiles prevent the scheme from being saccharine.

One of the notable elements of the project is the furniture by Miguel Reguero Studio. Among them are the Ghianda poufs and the Luz rugs, made by Spanish and Italian design brands.

The striking violet tiles are inspired by the metro subway tiles, created in 1904 to cover the walls of the New York subway. “We have used these purple tiles to bring a cosmopolitan and alternative touch to the space,” explains Miguel Reguero.

Photography by Érika Anes.
Born in Oviedo, Miguel Reguero began his training in A Coruña where he studied Technical Architecture, and continued at the Oviedo School of Art and the Brera Academy in Milan where he specialised in Design. Following his studies, he worked as a designer for different studios and brands, and in 2017 he opened his own studio focusing on product design, creative direction, interior design, and ephemeral architectural projects.
To see more of Juan Noval’s work, read Elegance of Yesteryear for La Cacharrería Restaurant in Gijon, Spain shot by Érika Anes, exclusively for Spain for Design.
Asturias-based Érika Anes has been interested and linked to the arts since childhood, an interest that prompted her to study photography and lighting in Oviedo. In 2014 she started working for Mediadvanced, a multidisciplinary creative agency that develops communication, image, photography, art, marketing, and e-commerce projects. She has worked for several Spanish brands and companies in different sectors. She set up her own photography and video production studio, Deza Studio. (@dezaestudio). A regular contributor to Spain for Design, she continues to develop as a freelance photographer. To view more of Erika’s photography for Spain for Design, see Café in Asturias, Spain Channels a Victorian Parlour, MonteNuño Residential Complex, Oviedo, Spain, and Asturias for Design.